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Fun Ideas
at Hobbs State Park
Head to Hobbs State Park-Conservation Area, Arkansas’ largest state park, for all things fun and sun!
Hobbs State Park camping is only permitted in the hike-in primitive campsites of the Pigeon Roost Trail. Be aware, there are only five sites, each with one to four tent pads, a fire ring/grill, and a lantern hook, which are only accessed by hiking approximately four miles and are set in a heavily wooded area. Overlooking Beaver Lake, these campsites are currently free of charge and do not require reservations. However, PLEASE NOTE that during permit gun hunting seasons, NO camping is allowed.

Shooting Range
Enjoy safe handgun and rifle practice at the Hobbs Shooting Range. The shooting range accommodates target stands at distances of 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. Five covered shooting stations are provided including one barrier-free station. The range has a concrete floor and a metal trap to catch fired rounds.
Hiking, Biking & Riding Trails
Hobbs trails have gated access that open approximately 1/2 hour prior to sunrise until 1/2 hour after sunset. The exceptions are Ozark Plateau, which closes at 5:00 p.m. every day, and Pigeon Roost trail, which remains open for campers.

Weekly Program Schedule
Every week, park interpreters at Hobbs put on informative programs on a wide range of topics. Learn how to pitch a tent, take a guided hike, be a nature detective, listen to a story told by Mother Nature, and learn the principles of Leave No Trace – there is no end to the topics! Some are directed toward children and others toward adults. Some activities last 20 minutes, some last an hour. Most are free! Take a look at the calendar and see what might interest you!
Guest Speaker Series
In Northwest Arkansas, we are blessed with many gifted speakers ready to pass along fascinating information about our natural world. Learn about the Beaver Lake Bald Eagle population, local bug life, duck hunting, dowsing rods, float fishing, or meet Igor the Turkey Vulture up close – to name just a few topics. Check the calendar to see what is coming up. These presentations are free.

Astronomy Nights
The Sugar Creek Astronomy Association is pleased to offer several opportunities to study the stars. They offer a brief lecture on an informative topic, like how to purchase a telescope, or viewing the planets, then they move outside for some celestial viewing. No registration is required. You may use their telescope, “Big Boy,” or bring your own. Binoculars work too. Bring a flashlight with a red lens cover, such as a cloth or balloon, and a star chart if you have one. You may also bring chairs and drinks for outdoor comfort.

Workshops & Special Events
Step back in time at the Hobbs Fall Festival, celebrate conservation at Aldo Leopold Day, take some lessons on mobile phone photography, and take a stroll through the “Living Forrest” with Mother Nature — these are just a few of the great events and workshops that take place throughout the year at Hobbs. Check the calendar and see what is coming up!

Whether heading to Hobbs State Park for camping under the stars or studying the stars, there are plenty of fun things to do from day to night at this NWA gem.