Ease your plans and work with a

Local DMO or CVB


Planning events is no easy task. Detailed effort is required to balance personalities, ensure logistics, select suppliers, assure marketing efforts, and whatever miscellany arises along the way. Little wonder that Business News Daily name event coordinator as the fifth-most stressful job in America.

Destination Marketing Organizations can help ease those stresses; and best of all, at no cost to you. Whether hosting your event in the same destination or first, local DMO’s can provide plentiful assistance. To start, DMOs will channel an RFP to local hotels, and serve on your behalf well beyond those simple efforts.

Some of the more arduous tasks may be assisted by the DMO location:

  • Last minute speakers
  • Unique evening activities
  • Private dining spaces
  • Local transportation
  • Specific community contact
A somewhat unknown activity when visiting Rogers is doing a tour of War Eagle Cavern

Call the local DMO; chances are, they can help. DMOs tend to all have slightly different operating systems. However, the common thread is that DMOs are the local expert to connect visitors with community resources.

AARP director of national events Jason Wienstien sums up a DMO’s value: “Using a DMO is like taking people to the library for the first time after they have been buying books at the bookstore for years. You are going to find what you are looking for, and the people you deal with at the library don’t have to worry about whether or not you spend money with them. DMOs are the same way. You get unbiased opinions and access to tremendous resources in a business model that is built in the client’s favors.”

Utilize the local planning library for your next event. Make a call to the local DMO. If you’re planning a meeting or event in Northwest Arkansas, get in touch with our Meetings & Conventions Sales Manager, Luke Wiggins via email or call (479) 619-3191.



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