
Art on the Bricks Art Walk

It's Hip to be Square

Art on the Bricks Art Walk Proclaims “It’s Hip to be Square”
Area Artists are Unlocking Emotions with Shape Psychology in Design

The January Art on the Bricks Art Walk in Downtown Rogers is unlocking emotions with shape psychology in design–with a particular focus on squares. The community is invited to explore art created using squares as design elements from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, January 11. Paintings, quilts, collages, mosaics, photography, and other art media will highlight the beauty of the square.
Squares symbolize order, trust, and a sense of being grounded, which may result in an individual finding peace in the present moment. We have spent our lives viewing colors and shapes–and whether or not we realize it–they can have a deep impact on how we perceive them. As a result, shapes have the potential to trigger certain emotions and thoughts. Squares and rectangles can convey specific emotions and messages in design. The psychological impact of shapes is a fundamental aspect of visual communication, and artists and designers often leverage this knowledge to elicit desired responses from their audience.
Works of art are intended to communicate something specific, often in a subtle, non-verbal manner. By understanding the psychology of shapes, an artist can use them in such a way that they support their message. One of the most familiar geometric shapes in design, the square format, is appealing for many reasons:
• Squares symbolize order, trust, and a sense of being grounded.
• Squares are used to organize and define a design, adding comforting structure along the way.
• Square shapes may offer symmetry and stability with clean lines and minimalism.
• Additionally, squares are often seen as being practical and functional, making them a popular choice in design and architecture.
Squares and rectangles can convey specific emotions and messages in design. The psychological impact of shapes is a fundamental aspect of visual communication, and artists and designers often leverage this knowledge to elicit desired responses from their audience.
Symmetry and Stability:
Symmetry, inherent in square shapes, is visually pleasing and can communicate a sense of order and stability. Symmetrical designs are often associated with balance, reliability, and a feeling of calm.
Clean Lines and Minimalism:
Squares are often linked to clean lines and minimalism, emphasizing simplicity and clarity in design. The use of squares in a minimalist context can create a modern and sophisticated aesthetic.
Practicality and Functionality:
The association of squares with practicality and functionality makes them suitable for conveying a sense of efficiency and purpose.
In architecture, squares are frequently used in the design of spaces that prioritize utility and organization.
Familiarity and Comfort:
Rectangles, being a common shape in our environment, evoke feelings of familiarity and comfort.
Designs that incorporate rectangles may feel more approachable and relatable to the audience.
Sense of Peace and Trust:
The grounding nature of squares can instill a sense of peace and trust in the viewer.
How they use shapes: Understanding the psychology of shapes empowers artists to make intentional choices that align with the message and emotions they want to convey. Different shapes can be combined, manipulated, and arranged to create visually compelling and emotionally resonant designs. It’s a powerful tool that adds depth and meaning to the visual language of design.
What is Art on the Bricks? Downtown Rogers Art on the Bricks Art Walk seeks to provide a welcoming and diverse Third Space to members of our community.
• We also promote Downtown Rogers as a destination location for arts, music, dance, and other interactive experiences.
• Visit for more information and an interactive map.

How it works: In addition to extended hours in retail shops, art galleries and pop-up art exhibits are scheduled from 4:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. on the 2nd Thursday of every month.

It’s our mission-work: The Rogers Lowell Chamber attracts new investments to our historic downtown Rogers community while supporting small business growth with programs like Art on the Bricks Art Walk.

All Dates

  • Thursday, Jan 11, 2024 , 4:30 pm

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